However, fans itching to return to the survival horror ambience of Metro 2033 can in Last Light with the addition of two game styles: Survivor is akin to the slow paced 2033 and features the Analogue Watch, whereas Spartan is closer to the faster paced Last Light and showcases the Digital Watch. Last Light offers more forgiving combat and an emphasis on stealth. Metro: Last Light Redux is a remaster of the PS3 version but has all the DLCs hard coded into it and many of the trophies have either been scrapped, nerfed or replaced with more sensible ones Last Light changes things up a bit when compared to its Xbox 360/PC only predecessor "Metro 2033", which had players checking their small ammo supply and constantly watching their filters. Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No cheats available.Do trophies stack?: Yes, the PS3 and PS4 versions have separate lists.

Does difficulty affect trophies?: Whilst you do have to play the Survival and Spartan modes for the (P), the difficulty of the game can be set to Easy and it won't affect the trophies.Number of missable trophies: 2 - C'est la vie and Redemption.Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 + Cleanup.Approximate amount of time to Platinum: 16-20hrs ( Estimated Time to Platinum).Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 ( Platinum Difficulty Thread).