Chrome s not working
Chrome s not working

  • Once the web browser is updated you will be able to access the extension from the browser settings.
  • If your web browser is old, you need to update it to be able to get this extension (or download the new version of your browser).
  • chrome s not working chrome s not working

    To install the Adobe Acrobat Chrome browser extension: I will be using Brave browser on my end for the following example. Soooo, if you like this guidance and it works for you, hit the correct answer button for this solution) Honestly, I have not seen anyone taking the time to document this workflow yet to show it's done in Windows 10.

    chrome s not working

    I prepared a few guidelines and slides to illustrate better how the workflow looks like when using the Adobe Acrobat extension in modern web browsers like Chrome.

    Chrome s not working